You can find on this page the Argentina road map to print and to download in PDF. The Argentina driving map presents the detailed road network, main highways and free motorways of Argentina in South America.

Argentina roads map

Maps of Argentina roads

The Argentina road map shows all roads network and main roads of Argentina. This road map of Argentina will allow you to preparing your routes and find your routes through the roads of Argentina in South America. The Argentina roads map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The road surface in Argentina is sometimes rough cement. Wide road with trucks. Occasional short climbs. The road to Aconcagua (highest mountain in South America) at 20 Ks. We had headwinds. Argentina immigration (Horcones) is at 2800 meters as you can see in Argentina roads map. Puente del Inca is at 24Ks and 2700 meters. 31 Ks at Penitentes. Continue a gradual down on a narrow road with strong head winds. Some truck traffic. The scenery is beautiful. At 54 Ks, Polvareda 2400 meters. Sometimes there were short climbs and a rougher road. The scenery diminishes with some rolling hills up. The road is narrow and a little rough at times with fast traffic. It is flatter along the river into Uspallata, 1900 meters at 96Ks.

The road, called National Route 40, RN 40, Ruta 40 or La Cuarenta as its shown in Argentina roads map, is paved most of its length, except in the south, where it passes through sparsely populated regions and may be stretches of more than two hundred kilometers completely empty except for the road itself. The southern part of the route, a largely paved road through sparcely populated territory, has become a well-known adventure tourism journey, although it is planned to pave the whole road. Route 40 is the longest route in Argentina and one of the largest in the world. It is 5,000 km (3,107 mi) long and crosses the provinces of Santa Cruz, Chubut, Río Negro, Neuquen, Mendoza, San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucumán, Salta and Jujuy. The road starts at the sea level, crosses 18 national parks, 18 major rivers, 27 passes on the Andes, and tops out at Abra del Acay in Salta, at 4.956m (16,259ft) above the sea level.

Argentina has set out plans for a major refurbishment of much of its dilapidated road network. The work will take four years to complete and involves building 2,800km of highways as well as 4,000km of trunk roads as its mentioned in Argentina roads map. This is a substantial programme of works, which should also deliver around 35,000 much-needed jobs. The Ministry for Transport has drawn up the schedule work the programme, which is expected to cost in the region of US$14.43 billion. Road signs in Argentina are there for your safety and that of other road users. It is important to be aware of the road signs in Argentina and understand their meaning, from warning road signs such as cattle crossing to regulatory road signs like maximum speed limits and height restrictions. Many are self explanatory and simple to understand and use international adopted standards, however there are some road signs specific to driving in Argentina that you need to be aware of.

Argentina highway map

Maps of Argentina motorways

The Argentina highway map shows toll and free motorways of Argentina. This highways map of Argentina will allow you to prepare your routes on motorways of Argentina in South America. The Argentina highway map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

In Argentina, the highway network is maintained by state funds provided through toll booths located near each major city that connects each section of the highway. At more than 5,200 km, the La Ruta Nacional 40 is the longest route in Argentina from south to north parallel to the Cordillera de los Andes as you can see in Argentina highway map. Tolls can be paid using cash or TelePASE. The major toll roads in Argentina are: National Route 1 or Buenos Aires–La Plata Highway, Riccheri Highway or National Route A002, Autopista 25 de Mayo. Argentina extensive toll network can be broadly divided in various facilities considered as accesos, national routes or corridors. Tolls in Argentina can be paid through: Manual payment systems - This includes payment via cards and cash. However, this method of payment is not acceptable on all toll roads. Electronic toll payment method- The electronic toll payment method in Argentina includes payment by TelePASE and Electronic Toll Plus.

The Latin country of Argentina, tucked between Brazil and Chile, has had a long history of improving its infrastructure. In fact, the infrastructure in Argentina is ranked as one of the best among other Latin countries, but still requires many improvements. In total, the country boasts over 130,000 miles of roads and highways. However, only a little over 39,000 miles of the roads are paved as its shown in Argentina highway map. Additionally, the country has an extensive rail system with almost 24,000 miles of tracks and 6,800 miles of navigable waterways. Argentina also has 1,300 airports, but only 142 have paved runways.

Construction is underway for Argentina new Mendoza-San Juan Highway – Mauro Nogarin reports The rehabilitation and maintenance works of more than 3,300km of routes is now underway in Argentina as its mentioned in Argentina highway map. This followed on after the takeover of six new road corridors under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, which took place in August 2018. The rehabilitation and maintenance works are being carried out prior to the start of the main projects, which will include the construction of highways. This new highway connection between San Juan and Mendoza will provide an important economic boost, strengthening commercial activity in the Cuyo area. This will help the growth of South America’s main wine-producing area, as well as developing the local agriculture, livestock, mining and tourism sectors.